The female cycle has its seasons. Just as you can determine what season it is outside 🍂🍁, there are many signs that can help you identify the season of your body.
Spring: This is the beginning of the female cycle. The primary female hormone during this period is estrogen, the hormone of beauty and femininity. It's the time when a woman is especially productive at work, attractive, and active. The process of egg cell maturation begins in the ovaries during this time.
Summer: At this time, a woman is at the peak of her attractiveness and sexuality. The blood contains the highest level of estrogens. The egg cell is released from the follicle. This is the best time for conception.

Autumn: During this season, pregnancy hormone progesterone replaces estrogen. It's progesterone that is responsible for mood swings, skin problems, swelling, and other manifestations of premenstrual syndrome.
Winter: This is the moment of hormonal decline in the female body. The levels of all hormones drop, and without hormonal support, the uterine endometrium begins to shed. This time is also known as the "uterine tears of unfulfilled pregnancy."
A woman's body is cyclical. Don't be surprised by mood swings, and don't expect the same level of productivity and libido from yourself at all times. Learn more about your fertility in one of our courses.
Do you know what season of fertility you are in today?